Meet the Flexitarian Diet!

Happy October 1st Lovelies! Did you know that today is World Vegetarian Day?   Approximately 10% of the world’s population is vegetarian. In fact, currently 70% of the world’s vegetarians are Indians and there are more vegetarians in India than in any other country in the world.

Growing up in a Hindu household my family was not vegetarian however we observed a fast once every week where we abstained from consuming any meat products for the day. During certain months of the year the fast would last an entire week or longer. Without even realizing it I guess my family along with other  Indian South African households observed Meatless Mondays for generations before it became a movement in 2003.

Animal agriculture is an environmental disaster. The livestock sector generates as much greenhouse gas emissions as all cars, trucks and automobiles combined. I recently read an article, which describes the aftermath from Hurricane Florence where 3.4 million chickens and 5,500 pigs drowned as a result of flooding in North Carolina. Animal waste spilled into the water system, which now poses possible contamination from E.coli, salmonella and insecticides.

Cutting down on the consumption of animal products is the absolute best way to reduce your carbon footprint. You don’t have to cut meat out completely or all at once to make a healthy change but reducing your intake and replacing it with some healthy veggies, fruits, and whole grains can have a wonderful impact on your health and the environment as a whole.

I am not 100% vegetarian or vegan, which makes me a Flexitarian. I do eat fish on occasion and treat myself to a grilled cheese sandwich every once in a while. There might be some compromise for example dinner at a friend’s house, or when traveling, but Andy and I do our very best to avoid animal products including milk, eggs and cheese. We both have made a conscious decision to make better lifestyle choices.

How do you feel about going meatless one day a week?

Wondering what to make for your next “Meatless Monday”?

Here are some of my favorite veggie burger brands:

  1.  Gardein
  2. Morning Star
  3. Field Roast
  4. Garden Burger

32 thoughts on “Meet the Flexitarian Diet!

    • Nikki says:

      Going meatless for just one day can make a difference. Thank you for always being so supportive Katherine ?

  1. Pentene says:

    I love the idea of this! I have been thinking of going vegan, but I do love to eat meat so it’s a difficult transition for me. But if I just simply scale back I think it would help. Such a wonderful post and very important topic to speak about. Thank for sharing love.


    • Nikki says:

      So glad you like it Pentene. Most of the people I know say that they could never give up meat but they are willing to go without for a day. I am just glad that people are willing to give it a shot.

  2. Talyssa says:

    Hey Nikki, great post! . I’m actually looking to eat less meat at the moment myself after watching documentaries like “Cowspiracy”
    I don’t personally believe that people shouldn’t eat meat. I just think they eat way too much of it! My goal is to only be eating meat/seafood once a week, which is made a little easier since my boyfriend is vegetarian!
    I also found this a really interesting article, you might like it:

    The Hidden Thimble – View our Latest Post

    • Nikki says:

      Hi Talyssa, thank you so much for sharing this article. I agree with you and the article, instead of consuming industrially grown soya and other vegan products we all need to think about sustainable meat and dairy production. I am sure you will reach your goal babe. It looks like you have great support. My goal is get get more people in my community to compost and take care of our soil.

  3. Yasmin says:

    I always hear statistics about how much better off the environment would be if everyone took 1 day off from eating meat. I don’t eat that much meat, but I do appreciate those who choose to go vegetarian or even vegan. The health benefits outweigh the costs for sure.

    xx Yasmin

  4. Ivana Split says:

    I’m not a vegetarian either, but I don’t eat meat often. I used to be a vegetarian, but I gave up on it because of anemia. Now I eat meat occasionally, and I try to eat fish at least once a week. Where I’m from people don’t eat meat on Fridays and sometimes Tuesdays (also during fasting), I think it’s a catholic thing but it is also good for the environment. I think Meatless Monday is a fantastic ideas. Generally speaking, people in the West eat too much meat, and it has been proven that high red meat consumption can lead to cancer. Eating more veggies would be good for everyone!

    • Nikki says:

      Thank u so much for your comment Ivana. I really appreciate it. Agree, eating more veggies is good for everyone 🙂 Wishing you good health and much love.

  5. Susie @ Mile High Dreamers says:

    Yay! I love this post. People often think you have to go all or nothing with a veg diet, but that’s not true! ANY change makes a difference and makes your body happy (AND the Earth!). People really don’t realize how intense the carbon footprint of the animal industry is. If everyone nixed meat one day a week, it’d make a difference! And now there are so many great options. Thanks for spreading the love!

    Susie |

    • Nikki says:

      So true Suzie. As they say “Do something rather than nothing at all”. You have helped me see how many healthy options there are out there. Also thank you for sharing all your AMAZING recipes with us. I always look forward to your posts. Xx

  6. Gabrielle says:

    I’d never heard of this term before but I can see how it makes sense; it’s a completely achievable and yet still commendable compromise! Love these photos of you by the way Nikki 🙂 x

  7. Ting says:

    I am not a big meat eater but I do enjoy some braised pork belly once in a while. Your post reminds me to consume more veggie and fruit on a daily basis. I usually eat way too much carb. I admire people like you who try their best to contribute to a green global environment. BTW, that veggie burger looks so delicious.



  8. Vyom Kapoor says:

    Hey gorgeous, thank you so much for taking time to write such an informational post and your invaluable effort towards the contribution to the environment. You did an incredible job and coming from a Hindu family myself , I know the religious customs that we follow which passively contributes so much. I absolutely love your beautiful vibrant pictures and you look gorgeous as ever.


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