
Hello. My name is Nikki Andrew. I was born and grew up in South Africa. I’ve been a fashionista since I was five years old – styling, mixing and experimenting with fashion.

My style: I get dressed based on how I’m feeling on the day. From sporty to hyper feminine with heels and delicate jewelry OR androgynous in a suit and a hat or maybe an oversized silhouette.

 Staple Outfit: It’s anything with jeans — a button down, blazer, tee shirt, and sneakers.

Purchase you most regret: None. I only buy pieces that will stand the test of time.

Advice to someone looking to define their own style:  Personal style is about attitude, not trends.

What inspires me: Art, music, galleries, the streets, magazines, books, movies, social media, travel and my mom.

My happy place: My home with my husband.

My fashion motto: Make it your own.

 My life motto: Stay curious.

Thank you for stopping by.

