Staying Fit & Motivated with Rachael Novello

Happy Spring Lovelies. Unfortunately, it does not feel much like spring in New England.   It has been bitterly cold and snowy. The weather has really thrown a wrench in my fitness plans. I’ve gotten the flu three times within the last two months and my energy levels have been pretty low. Enough is enough I told myself and reached out to a good friend and fitness guru, Rachael Novello. Rachael invited me to come see her at her Simply Fit studio in Danvers Massachusetts. I was over the moon.

Rachael is a hard worker and her studio is a reflection of the time, dedication and sweat she puts into her work. What I love most about her is her contagious energy. I think if Rachael was not a fitness instructor her calling would be motivational speaker. Just hearing her talk about health and fitness can motivate you to make a change. If hearing her talk fitness is not enough check out her 6 pack abs

Before we started our workout I asked Rachael a few questions.

How did you originally decide to be in the health and wellness industry? It was actually something that came to me over time. I was in corporate banking for almost ten year before I made the switch. When my now husband, Brian, first proposed I knew I wanted to look my best on my wedding day. I began working with a personal trainer and it was through her that I first found my love of health and fitness. From her guidance I was able to transform my body in ways I’d never been to before. She introduced me to weight lifting and it completely shifted my world, not just physically but mentally as well. For the first time I felt strong, confident and capable. It was a feeling I knew I needed to share with other people.

Do you have fitness goals for yourself? If so, what are they? I always have health & fitness goals set for myself. Sometimes it’s as simple as drinking enough water during the day and other times it’s a bit more complex, whether it be training for a triathlon or learning a new move. I very much need accountability in my daily life and I find that by setting time-bound goals allows me to stay on track.

Give me three essential exercises you suggest for all clients? Why are these in your top three? Fitness is different for everyone and as such I would never suggest anything for all clients. Rather, I would say I have specific types of exercise that are highly beneficial for most populations. Cardiovascular exercise, strength training and balance training.

What advice do women always ask you for? We women are so hard on ourselves. The majority of women ask me how to “lose weight quickly” or “what exercises will help me get rid of my stomach.” I spend a lot of time with my clients talking about overall health and fitness and that it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. It takes time and consistency but it’s not impossible.

What does your typical food day look like? I typically eat “clean” 80% of the time. That term itself has been tossed around quite a bit and so for many people it can be hard to define. For me, eating clean means whole foods, complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats. I try to start every morning with a meal complete with all three, usually some egg whites, protein pancakes and some sliced avocado. I will follow my workout with a protein drink or a banana with peanut butter. Lunch is a salad of greens, various chopped veggies, some quinoa and lean protein. One thing that is really important to me is having dinner with my family and because of that I don’t typically map out my meals too far in advance. We usually stick with the above, but some nights we’ll have pasta or pizza and I will enjoy that with my family. Anyone that knows me, will tell you that I have a weakness for chocolate and peanut butter so I always find a way to fit that into my day, sometimes I’ll have a Joseph’s peanut butter cup as a sweet treat or I’ll mix some cocoa powder into my protein shake. It’s about balance for me. Being able to eat the foods I like, enjoy a glass of wine when I feel like it or go out for dinner with my husband enables me to truly stay on track during the week.

What advice would you give to someone who hasn’t really been working out to really jump-start that routine?My biggest piece of advice to any new exerciser is to START SLOW. Don’t expect to master everything right away or change overnight. Find something you love to do, something that allows you to connect with yourself and focus on where you are and where you want to go and DO THAT. Enjoy the process of challenging yourself and watching yourself change. The other thing I would say is to find an accountability partner, whether it be your spouse, best friend, mother or a trainer – someone that supports your goals and will be there along the way with an ear to listen or an encouraging word when you get frustrated. Remember, it never gets easier – you just get stronger.

The workout with Rachael was super fun! I really loved the Strongboard workout. Simply Fit has three different Strongboard workouts. Look at the full list of classes here. The 50 minute classes goes by so fast because Rachael keeps her classes dynamic, effective and fun. However, you will feel the burn

I look forward to continuing my fitness journey with Simply Fit!

Photo & Video Credit:  Andrew Swaine