Vitamin Sea

Happy Summer Lovelies.  How many of you will be spending these hot, lazy summer days at the beach? What emotion do you feel when you spend time by the ocean?

Growing up in South Africa, we were lucky to have the sea just a ten minute drive from where we lived. My love of the ocean developed through accompanying my dad on his early morning fishing trips. While dad fished I discovered the wonderful sea life that crowded the tidal pools. I could have spent hours looking at the myriad of magnificent sea creatures darting around and watch the majestic waves crash the rocks on the shore. The relentless waves both frightened and invigorated me. In the summer months when my cousins visited during school vacation my parents would take us all to the beach. We would spend an entire day at the beach running, playing and exploring. The magic of the ocean is that it doesn’t matter whether you are standing on the shore or far out at sea; you can still sense the wonder and the force of the ocean.

I am so fortunate that my husband shares and feels the same way about the ocean. When looking for a home after we got married, Andrew said to me, “I need to be close to the ocean. It fills my soul.” So, we found a home that is just a five minute walk from the sea. The ocean is truly a source of inspiration for us both.

A lot of times
We are angry at other people
For not doing what
We should have done for ourselves.

~Responsibility – Rupi Kaur

It deeply saddens me to see what our actions are doing to the ocean. The one action that both Andrew and I have taken to ensure the well being of our ocean is thinking about the impact of our plastic use on the ocean. We both have reduced the amount of plastic we use. We don’t use plastic bags when we shop, we also don’t use single use plastic ware or straws. During our morning walks to the beach, we always stop to pick up litter.

What one action do you take to ensure the future well being of our ocean? Would love to hear from you.

Photo Credit: Andrew Swaine