Mental Health and Wellness

Many of us are struggling to keep it all together during these unprecedented times. COVID-19, protests highlighting systemic racism and police brutality, economic uncertainty, unemployment, natural disasters, political changes and the future of education (just to name a few) has left us physically, mentally and emotionally drained. 

The storm of emotions I am feeling is also raging on for many. It’s a lot to handle, and it’s having a disastrous impact on our mental health. Mental health conditions impact the entire family. We need to have strategies that allow us to experience relief and recharge so we can be a support for our loved ones. The more we take care of our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, the better we will be able to show up for ourselves and for each other.

Take some deep breaths and ask yourself:

  1. How am I feeling?
  2. What do I need?
  3. What am I grateful for?
  4. What can I do today that makes me happy?

Self Care Tips:

  1. Keep in contact with people who bring you happiness.
  2. Journaling or writing down thoughts and feelings can be a great way to release emotions.
  3. Move your body.  Exercise releases endorphins. Make it a priority to commit 30 minutes each day for a walk.
  4. Limit your social media intake.
  5. Be gentle with yourself.

How are you going to love and care for yourself this week?

Happy Eco-friendly New Year

Hello Lovelies,

This week was back to the hustle and grind for most of us. Hope  it was a great start to your new year.  I am not good at New Year resolutions so I never make them. However, I have been thinking of how I can make this year better. If 2018 has taught me anything, it’s that we need to take better care of our environment and be mindful of our way of life. So, this year I am going to be more aware of my carbon footprint. I am going to take personal responsibility for my impact on the planet. No more finger pointing, no more blame game, no more waiting for the world to change or waiting on others to take action for a sustainable future.

It starts with me. By making some small changes like:

  1. Carrying my own shopping bags and water bottle
  2. Composting my food scraps
  3. Upcycling and recycling more
  4. Cooking from scratch and buying local ingredients
  5. Walking more or taking public transportation

 Doing something – even if it seems small and inconsequential – is better than doing nothing.

I am proud to share my first DIY upcycle project  I found on the Oui Yoplait website.

Have you thought about how you are going to make 2019 different? If you have any upcycle or DIY repurposing ideas, please share in the comments below. I would love to learn a new craft. Thank you