Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season and making beautiful memories to treasure for all times. I can’t believe that in a few short days we will be welcoming in the New Year. 2019 was a year full of ups and downs, wins and heartbreaking losses. As I reflect on this year,  I would like to thank you for all the love and support  you’ve generously given me.   Andy and I appreciate you all so much. We wish you an amazing 2020. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined.

P.S Hope you enjoy my round up of all my favorite posts of 2019. Click on pic title for full post.

Declutter & Consign with Covet Boston
2 Pieces You Need to Mix & Match Your Spring Wardrobe
Summer Stripes Styled 3 Ways
Happy Earth Day World
The Style Guide to Slip Dress
Summer Trend: Blazers and Shorts
Straw Accessories to Wear All Summer
Diwali Fashion
Working It!

Photo Credit: Andrew Swaine

28 thoughts on “Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

    • Nikki says:

      Awwww you are so sweet Katherine. Right back at you beautiful lady. Thank you always for all the love and the inspo you’ve given me. Happy New Year ❤️

  1. Mica says:

    Such great outfits you picked to share!

    Hope you had a merry Christmas 🙂 We had a great time with family and so much good food! Have a happy new year!

  2. Shauna says:

    I just posted my year-end lookbook too! I love all of these looks on you. I think the striped jumper is my fave. Wishing you the best in the new year! Can’t wait to see all of your fabulous looks in the coming year -xo


  3. Gabrielle says:

    You’ve shared so many fabulous outfits in 2019 and I’m already excited to see your outfits for this New Year! Happy 2020! 🙂

    ps. love that greenhouse shot, by the way!! x

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