One Year Blogiversary

As I was getting ready to write my blog post on Sunday morning, I realized that my one year blogiversary was in two days. How did that creep up on me? So, I changed my planned post to celebrate my little blog and write a personal post on how it all began.

To celebrate I decided to go apple picking. In fact my first blog post was about my favorite fall activity. I shared a delicious mini apple rose tartlet recipe (click here), which was read by my family and a few close friends. It was a good start.

I’ve always loved fashion, food and travel.  But stopped embracing my passionate pursuits after experiencing one of the biggest losses in my life ~ the passing of my dad.  It was a very dark time in my life. I have not publicly shared this because it is still very difficult  to talk about.  Grief runs its course and it comes in stages. There are still times when I break down like it happened yesterday. But with the love and support of my husband, family and friends I find hope that life  goes on.

The act of writing has always been a cathartic one for me and I found blogging to be a powerful healing tool.  My dad’s death has forever changed me and how I look at the world. I wake up early every morning to meditate and  to remember him.  My dad always savored the small things in life like the first sip of his hot tea on a cold morning or the first bite of his peanut butter sandwich, his favorite.   I’ve turned to my memories for comfort.  I am also learning to enjoy the little things and share the beauty of everyday life in the hope of spreading some love, joy and inspiration. That is how Nikki Living Life 2.0 got its name and its start.

I’ve met some pretty awesome blogger babes in this blogging community.  I love how everyone celebrates each others wins, and really just support each other in any way possible.  There is always a willingness to share and help one another. Without community this blog would feel very lonesome, and I would definitely not have learned as much as I did in such a short period of time.

Nikki Living Life has experienced such growth, beyond what I could ever have imagined, and it’s all thanks to you! I am grateful to you for reading, commenting, following, re-posting, sharing and actually coming back week after week (which still blows my mind), you are the reason I get to do this. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I would also like to thank my hubby Andrew who takes all the beautiful photographs for my blog.  Andrew’s photographs have allowed me to tell an ongoing narrative of my evolving personal style and my pursuit for a healthy lifestyle.

Of course no birthday/anniversary/blogiversary is complete without something sweet. I have a great recipe for an apple cider float that I know you will enjoy.


French Vanilla Ice Cream (or ice cream of your choice)

Apple Cider

Apple Slices

Whipped Cream

Brown Sugar (optional)



Add one scoop of ice cream to a mug and pour in the apple cider. Top with whipped cream, a little brown sugar and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Add slices of apple to the rim as a garnish.

Cheers beauties 

Photo Credit:  Andrew Swaine

105 thoughts on “One Year Blogiversary

  1. LENA Revealed says:

    Awe I love this..So heart-felt and inspirational! I’m sure your Dad is proud of all your accomplishments. And I, too, like the support system of the blogging community. So, Cheers to many more blogging years!


    • Nikki says:

      Thank you for your beautiful comment Lena. It is so much appreciated. Will always continue making my dad proud 🙂 So glad our paths crossed through this awesome blogging community ?

  2. Deborah says:

    Happy blog-anniversary gorgeous lady! You inspire me so much and I am happy to have found you! I agree with you, without this community of amazing fans, subscribers/followers who are here to support you unconditionally, blogging would be super -lonely! Thanks for sharing how it all began and I wish you nothing but success! That outfit is super-cool too! Have a great week!

    • Nikki says:

      Thank you beautiful lady. I could not be more thrilled that our paths crossed as well. Thank you for all your sweet comments and support. You always make my day ?

  3. Tina says:

    Happy Blog Anniversary and to many more years of your blog!!! ♥
    I’m also so happy that I started my blog almost two years ago, I never regretted it 🙂 All the best for you and those pics are so cute! 🙂


    • Nikki says:

      Thank you Tina ? for all the well wishes. Sincerely appreciated. Wishing you much love as well beautiful lady.

    • Nikki says:

      Thank you Simone. Your comment means so much to me. It has been so awesome getting to know over the last few months. ? Yes. I hope you get to try the apple cider float 🙂

    • Nikki says:

      Thank you Jovita. Your comment means so much to me? Looking forward to seeing us all grow as we continue this journey together.

  4. Gabrielle says:

    Apple picking sounds like a lovely way of celebrating 1 year of blogging – congratulations! I love your Hunter wellies by the way, they look so cute with the pinafore dress and red plaid shirt.

  5. Reena Jagram says:

    Happy one year blog anniversary babe. Your story how it’s started with the blog, has touhed me. I love to read your blog and see your beautifull pics. Enjoy blogging and keep smiling. X Reena

  6. TING says:

    Happy one year anniversary Nikki! The memory of your dad brought me into tears and you dad will be very happy that you enjoy the little things in life and spread the happiness to others. The apple picking outfit is so darling and you look like a high school kid.


    • Nikki says:

      Thank you Ting. Your comment means so much to me. My daily efforts to keep my dad’s memory alive have and will continue to bring me a great deal of comfort, I will pass it on by spreading the beauty, love and light ?

    • Nikki says:

      Thank you Mavis. Your comment means a lot and is much appreciated. Thank you for the love and support ?

    • Nikki says:

      Thank you Caroline. During the course of a busy everyday day, it does feels good to stop and appreciate the little things in life that bring us joy. Wishing you a fabulous week as well beautiful lady ?

  7. Vyom says:

    Congratulations my darling for this achievement and I wish you many many more to come. I will forever be grateful that we connected here. You are so strong babe and I can relate to what you went through as I lost my dad when I was a teenager and what it feels like. Its been 15 years since then but still feels like yesterday. I know you as one of the strongest women and more power to you girl. Almost forgot to tell you that this denim outfit looks so adorable on you.


    • Nikki says:

      Thank you my dear sweet Vyom. You always make my day brighter. I am so appreciative of your friendship and I too am glad that our paths crossed. It has been so wonderful getting to know you over these 12 months. My heart breaks to hear about your dad as well. Wishing you much love and light ?

  8. the adventurer says:

    Congratulations on your one year blogiversary!! I am so sorry to hear about your dad passing away and the way you have dealt with such a great loss is inspiring. It helps having a strong support system around you but you have also focused on helping yourself heal through writing and meditation. You such a beautiful story and I can’t wait to see what adventures await you xx

    • Nikki says:

      Thank you beautiful lady. Your comment made me teary. I truly appreciate all the love and support that you and this blogging community have given and shown me. Here’s to new adventures for us all ?

    • Nikki says:

      Thank you for taking the time to send me your good wishes Layla. I sincerely appreciated it. Have a great week as well beautiful lady Xx

  9. Pentene says:

    So so sorry for your loss my love. And of course it will still be very painful when thinking of your father and those last moments, but he lives within you every time he comes to mind. And of course, Happy Happy One Year Blogiversary to you!!! I’m so glad to have met you along your journey and you are so right when you mentioned how great of a community blogging is. It’s important for us to support each other along the way because it isn’t an easy task or journey. Keep creating great content and fantastic photography (kudos to your hubby for fully supporting you).


    • Nikki says:

      Thank you Pentene. Your comment means more to me than you will ever know. Thank you for all the love and support over the past 12 months. So glad that our paths crossed ?

    • Nikki says:

      Thank you Dominique. The apple cider float is such a simple and easy to make treat. Hope you like it Xx

    • Nikki says:

      Thank u Annika ? I sincerely appreciate your comment and all the support you’ve given me through the year. Much Love Xx

  10. Saida - She talks Glam says:

    Happy blogniversary, Nikki! I am so sorry to read about your dad passing and I love that you honour his memory in such a nice and down-to-earth way. I am sure he is proud of you and your blog, and of everything that makes you happy in life, wherever he is now. Thanks for the inspo on fashion, for being so kind and for making this community a bit sweeter. Much love from Cambridge,

    Saida | She talks Glam

  11. Nikki says:

    Thank you so much Saida ?? Your comment really touched my heart. I really appreciate it beautiful lady. Much Love and light to you as well. Xx

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